Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hello everybody!!


Exhibition day has passed and we survived!! This website was created for the understanding of smoke detectors and for exhibition.Exhibition had passed away on December 15, 2009 though exhibition has passed we will still answer any questions or look at any comments. Thank You, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

What is a smoke detector?

A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Safety Facts

1. Always check to see if your smoke detector works and change the batteries every daylight savings day

2. If you have a two or more story house always install a smoke detector on each floor

3. Never play with fire or matchsticks

4. Make sure you have a fire escape plan

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What We did for Action!

We went to Kroger and asked people to donate money for buying smoke detectors for those who can't afford them. We colllected $106.35!! Then we went to Wal Mart and bought 10 smoke detectors. Today(December 02, 09)we went to the Fire Department of Houston, Texas. When we went there, there was no one. After sometime we saw red, blue, and yellow flashes. The next thing we saw was a BIG red fire truck! Then we met a fireman named Dennis and handed over the smoke detectors including one carbon monoxide detector. Dennis gave us a thank you letter. We took pictures wearing a fireman jacket! It was really SATISFYING to help people!! :)